We will explain how to make the lights shine like in the photo. We have provided a link to the paint we are using, so please give it a try! Let’s compare photos of the before and after, with and without light shining from the inside.
さっそくヘッドライトから解説していきます。はじめにShow up”ホビー専用速乾プライマー”を、次にクリアシルバー(以下のリンクを参照)を塗り、裏打ちをしないと透けるので、裏からライト当てると画像のように光って見えます!
Let’s start by explaining the headlights. First, apply ‘Show up Hobby Dedicated Quick-Drying Primer,’ and then paint with Clear Silver (see the link below). Without backing, it will appear translucent, so when you shine light from the back, it will look like the image.
テールライトも同様に、はじめにShow up”ホビー専用速乾プライマー”を塗るところから。次にクリアレッド(タミヤなど)を塗り、裏打ちにShow up”リアルクローム”を塗ると画像の感じになります。
Similarly for the taillights, begin by applying ‘Show up Hobby Dedicated Quick-Drying Primer.’ Next, paint with Clear Red (such as Tamiya), and for the backing, apply ‘Show up Real Chrome.’ This will give you the look as seen in the image.
Chrome-like metallic paint such as ‘Real Chrome’ has a translucent property. Therefore, if you don’t back it with a color like black, it will shine like in the image when light is applied.
How was it? In this explanation, we focused on the paints to be used, but let’s take this opportunity to review the essential cleaning process when it comes to painting.
As a standard practice when painting polycarbonate bodies, the first step is thorough cleaning. Ensure that you clean the inside of the body you purchased so that the paint adheres well. Use a neutral detergent and a sponge to remove oil residue thoroughly. The key is to create a good lather while washing to avoid scratching. Properly removing the oil residue is crucial as it can lead to paint chipping. So, be extra conscious and thorough during the cleaning process.
今回の解説で使用したボディは9月下旬発売予定のNISSAN シルビアS15 BLS <BN-Sports公認>です。発売までもうしばらくお待ちください。